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  • Writer's picturejoannelynda

Identify your Target Audience

Updated: Apr 28, 2020

Think about what it actually is that you do best — and why a new customer would be interested in you. If you were your customer, what would you want?

Who would benefit most from what you have to offer?

Your job is to solve the difficulties for your customers. If you can’t, they’ll find someone else who can. If you start to write down your actual customer profile you start to build a picture about where they might be looking and what they are looking for.

The best way to get started is to break it down into 4 steps:

1: What does your ideal customer look like? 2: What would lead them to buy what you’re selling? 3: What does their buying process look like? 4: How can you get yourself in front of them?

Now think about your ideal customers client, what do they look like?

  • How big are they?

  • What is spend going to look like for your service? (roughly)

  • Where are they located?

This is where you’ll dive into the demographics and psychographics of each company and decision maker.

To put it simply:

This information will serve as the very base foundation of your target personas and act as the initial filtering stage when deciding who to target with your marketing efforts.

These answers will provide you with a baseline of which companies you’re actually trying to serve.


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