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  • Writer's picturejoannelynda

Business card design tips

Updated: May 7, 2020

Don't forget the simple things!

Business card design tips

Concentrating purely on design can take your focus away from the information you actually need for people to reach you. 

As a minimum, your card should include: Your name - Phone number – Email - Company name or logo consider including important online details such as a web address, Twitter handle, social media addresses for maximum engagement

Design your card with your audience in mind but keep it simple.

The point of your basic business card is to communicate, so if the text is too small, distorted or excessively stylised, no one will be able to read it. Only include the most important information. Resist the temptation to fill every conceivable millimetre of your card with either text or graphics. Including some negative space gives the eye somewhere to rest and makes the information you do include stand out.

Even though you need to keep to a standard size, you can still differentiate yourself with creative shapes that fit within that size, particularly if you’re a creative company who’s just starting out and looking to really distinguish themselves from the crowd

Business cards have two sides, so utilise the front and back of the card, whether this through including an enlarged logo, additional image, your business mantra, or a quote from a mentor.

You only make one first impression, so make sure you are memorable for the right reasons! 


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